Cinderella at the Briery Gap
Briery Gap & Lee Valley Entertainers are proud to announce Cinderella for our 2024 Pantomime. The perfect entertainment treat coming into the Holiday season.

Music Fest 2023
Saturday 24 th June 2023 in Macroom will be remembered for all the right reasons. 45 years to the very day since Rory Gallagher play in the Mountain Dew Festival in 1978, that’s when Macroom last rocked to an open air livemusic concert. Macroom knew the best way to celebrate the opening of the N22 Bypass and getting our town back was to host the Macroom Music Fest 2023, and what a fantastic weekend it was with something there for everyone.
Once the Festival buntings went up many of the local businesses came on board by dressing their windows with the music theme, letting everyone know the town was ready to rock.

‘Tree-mendous’ News For Macroom
-Early Christmas for Macroom as €280m bypass breathes new life into Market Town-
Macroom business owners, supported by the Lee Valley Enterprise Board, are preparing for a busy Christmas season thanks to the opening of a €280m bypass that will make the Market Town more welcoming than ever.
Situated midway between Cork City and Killarney, Macroom has a population of almost 4,000 people, but increased traffic congestion has badly affected trade and quality of life in the town in recent years, leading to calls for the N22 bypass.